Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Best Beer City - Yours

After reading Jeff Alworth's post at Beervana today, I did some thinking about what a 'best beer city' might mean. Jeff thinks that the distinction would be meaningless because it's entirely subjective.

He's probably right. Portland could make a strong case, but Denver does some excellent work, too.
Size isn't necessarily important, either - some of the best beer I've ever had was at Lone Pint, in a tiny town near Houston.

All this is to say that I'd like to extend his point and simply proclaim that the 'best beer city' is the one you're living in. Craft beer is becoming so ubiquitous (albeit on a small scale in some states) that pretty much every major city in the country's got one worth visiting.

So take this opportunity to appreciate the craft of your local beer. Get to know the brewers and employees. Talk them up to friends and acquaintances. If we really want a national 'craft revolution' - a place where craft beer is truly mainstream and not the province of condescending hipsters - it starts with us.

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